

Relation Du Voyage De La Mer Du Sud
Relation Du Voyage De La Mer Du Sud Aux Cotes Du Chily Et Du Perou, Fait pendant les années 1712, 1713 & 1714, Dediée á S. A. R. Monseigneu LE DUC D‘ORLEANS , Regent du Royaume. Par M. FREZIER, Ingenieur Ordinaire du Roy. A PARIS ? MDCCXVI. AVEC APPROBATION ET PRIVILEGE DU ROY. Relation du Voyage de la Mer du Sud: By M. Frezier. 1716. First edition. Paris, printed by Jean G. Nyon, E. Ganeau and J. Quillau. One of the most important voyages to both Chili and Peru ? along with Ovalle‘s relation for Chili and J. Juan and Ulloa‘s Voyage. Reprinted several times in the XVIII century, this is the rare first edition. Magnificly illustrated with both double and single page plates, engravings and maps, including the Strait of Magellanes, the general map of the Voyage, the Baye de San Vicente, Views of Santiago and Lima, both views of the Callao port, Arica, Pisco, Bahia de todos los Santos, also with 14 engravings made by Guérard (s) about the cotton plant, Chilenian natives with simple dresses and coat, games and musical instruments. All in all, 37 engravings including 23 maps made by Frezier himself and 14 engravings of different subjects. Six plates from another edition, hence not double page but folding, probably the English edition. Sabin, 25924. Leclerc, 1736. Palau, 94964. Borba de Moraes, 328. Santos Gómez, 1244. Maggs, Spanish America, Cat. 612,288. Bound in-4to (255 x 200 mm).