Vender Obra de Arte

Why sell at Art Auction?

James Lisboa, art auctioneer, has a proven track record of achieving prices that surpass pre-sale estimates in the market. We attribute this success to a perfect combination of meticulous factors and excellence that permeates every service provided. Here are some of the advantages of selling with us:

James Lisboa

1. Conduct an appraisal

Evaluating the artwork is the first step to determine if it meets the requirements for being marketed in this process.

The auctioneer takes into consideration various factors to ensure an accurate appraisal, including the type of artwork, technical details, and even its history. Therefore, the more information you provide, the better the appraisal will be.

  • Submit clear, colored digital photos, both front and back views of the artworks, through our online appraisal form or via email.
  • Provide information about the authorship of the artwork if known. If you are unsure about the artist's name, we can assist you in identification.
  • Provide additional information such as dimensions, date of creation, materials used, and the artwork's history.
  • Knowing whether the artwork has participated in exhibitions, is registered with any institution, and if it has a certificate is essential.
  • Very relevant information is the provenance. Whether the artwork was inherited, purchased at an auction, fair, or gallery, please provide details about the time and place of acquisition.

Value estimates for auction are provided within 1 week for items that fall under the selling category of James Lisboa auction house and align with our audience. If you have a large quantity of items for appraisal, please contact our customer service to discuss the best way to proceed with the evaluation.

After confirming that your item is suitable for auction and determining the starting bid, our experts will discuss with you the date it can be sent to the gallery, where it will be auctioned and exhibited to the public.

2. Combine the details and submit your item

If you choose to partner with us to sell your item, we will work closely with you to finalize the details of the sale.

Before selling your property with us, you will need to sign the consignment contract. This is the agreement that confirms the services, outlines the fee structure, and establishes the terms and conditions of the sale between you and the auction house.

We are very transparent regarding commissions. We charge a fee, as stipulated in the contract, as a commission for the services we provide. The commission is calculated on each item as a percentage based on the eventual auction hammer price. This fee is intended to cover our fixed costs such as marketing and insurance coverage. Additionally, we have a success fee included in the contract, aiming to achieve higher values for your item through various paid media channels.

In addition, there may be other costs related to external services that may need to be contracted, such as shipping, restoration, and framing. However, these costs will be discussed and agreed upon with you in advance, as needed.

James Lisboa

3. Track your performance

During the auction, James Lisboa broadcasts the event in real-time through the auction website, apps, and social media. This allows you to track real-time bids for your items and even place new bids for your collection.

4. After the auction

We will initiate the collection of the amounts paid for the winning bids within the specified timeframe outlined in our regulations.

James Lisboa will act on your behalf to ensure buyer payment. After the full receipt of payment, which typically occurs approximately 20 to 30 days post-auction, your payment will be processed and sent to the account specified in the contract. We will provide information on the net amount you will receive from the sale, considering the hammer price, and deduct any agreed-upon expenses and commissions.

If a buyer is not found for your item, James Lisboa may discuss a new offer or the withdrawal of your property. In some circumstances, we may also suggest alternative marketing strategies for your artwork.

Start your appraisal now